age is a boundary


I have created a drawing to represent age as a boundary. i was inspired to create this because I thought of age and i said in your teen years it hits you like a wall. i created this by using a pencil and paper. This connects to the unit theme because the crossing of the boundary. The drawing starts out with a baby. it goes through elementary school, into middle school, and then at the top of the wall high school. once you finish highschool and go into college your basically done with the age boundary. no more you cant drive til you 16, no more you cant drink til 21. you crossed those boundaries and you can now live for yourself and not rely on others.

1.Creativity and Innovation- this shows creativity because i hand drew a picture that i thought represented a unit theme.

2.Research and Information Fluency- i had to find out the biggest boundary in life that is based on age and represent it by the wall.

3.Critical Thinking- i had to think of ages and periods in life to put on the timeline and accurately represent it with stick figures.

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